Winter Solstice Meditation: From Darkness to Light

Solstice blessings!

I’m writing this from my bed, where I’ve been struck down with the dreaded C word. I’m not feeling my best, that’s for sure.

I am also very aware that the theme of liminal space abides. A few days ago, I posted on Instagram that the global circumstances felt very much like a liminal space. I felt like I was waiting, with bated breath, to see what would happen next. Would Christmas be canceled? How would the Omicron variant progress?

I don’t think I’d actually thought about the possibility that I might test positive for Covid, but I did and here we are. For the next nine days (one day down, nine to go) I am in isolation. I don’t have the energy to do any of the things I should be doing.

I have been forced to pause.

To stand still.

This beautifully mirrors the themes of the Solstice and, in fact, the word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still").

The guided meditation I’m sharing today was recorded yesterday, for my Gather Solstice circle today, with Helen from Unbind Your Wild.

We were planning to lead a walk but the rapidly changing situation, along with my own Covid diagnosis meant we had to re-evaluate. In fact, I was too ill to be involved in the circle this morning, so thank you to the magical Helen for forging ahead without me.

The meditation is a short exploration of darkness and light. Maybe you can notice your own experience with liminal space as you transition from one to the other. When you get to the part about connecting with other circle attendees, you can think of connecting with anyone who has listened to the guided meditation at any point.

Helen and I will next be collaborating for Imbolc, which marks the beginning of Spring. If you’d like to join us sign up to my mailing list to be the first to hear about our plans.


Imbolc: welcoming the promise of spring


Winter Solstice and Yule Playlist and journal prompts