Recent reflections: integration, a playlist for work, boundaries
Hello friends. Today I’m sharing another periodic round up of reflections from Instagram. I do a lot of my in the moment sharing over there. You can check out my last round up here or head over to my profile and follow me if you’d like to stay up to date. I also share reflections, along with other tools to support you, in my monthly news letter which you can access here.
Recently I’ve been reflecting on the following:
The importance of integration
A lyric free playlist for work
Keep scrolling to find out more. If you’d like to work with me, you can check out my offerings here and you can head here for information about my counselling services and nature based counselling.
Integration and the healing journey
I don’t know when or where I heard this but someone, somewhere told me that integration is the work of a lifetime. We may step away from impactful and transformative experiences feeling changed or we might not observe any changes. Any changes we observe in the minutes, hours and days afterwards are just a ripple. The ripple ripples onwards and onwards whether we realise it or not. We can hold the energy of this ripple lightly and in the following weeks, months and years we can look back, knowing that it was just the start. A week or so ago I shared a post on my grid about endings. In this post I remembered that every ending is a beginning.
A lyric free playlist for work
If you need background noise while you work but find music with lyrics too over stimulating, this is for you. Calm, but not too calm, lyric free vibes. Link below to manually type or head to my playlist story highlight. Head here to check it out.
What’s beautiful in all of this?
There’s a bit of a misconception that we set boundaries to manage other people or keep them out. Boundaries are more about staying true to our values and our values help us to make sure we’re meeting our needs.
We all have needs, whether that’s base needs like how much rest we need to function or emotional needs like our need to have connections to other people. Our values can guide us towards meaningful ways of meeting our needs.
So where do boundaries come into it? Check out my longer reflection here.